Monday, April 14, 2008

The fish poop thing

Since the last post was mainly about Nigel the British Fish, and the one before that was about poop, I figured I'd combine the two topics and come up with an intensely riveting blog about the crazy phenomena known only as "the fish poop thing."

If you've ever had a fish for a pet, you know what I'm referring to, but if you're a newbie on the subject, let me explain. When a fish poops, it comes out in long strings. And these strings don't separate quickly from their butts and fall to the bottom of the tank. Oh no, they have the honor of dragging their crap gracefully around behind them, like some beautifully twisted underwater version of Cirque du Soleil.

(Said in a thick, French accent)
"Which way will the poop thing swing next? Nobody knows but watch as it catches the light! So charming! So beautiful!"

How disturbing. I don't even want to imagine if this sort of situation was a normal occurrence in the human world.

The worst part about the whole thing is probably when the fish runs into other fish and has to pretend like he doesn't even know his poop thing is there. I'm sure there's not a whole lot of eye contact going on when those sort of situations arise, kind of like when you run into someone in the grocery store and you have yet to shower that day - uncomfortable. I'm sure it's a great day when the poop thing finally separates and drifts to the bottom of the tank. Then the fish can go about his business and roll his eyes at all of his tank mates with poop things trailing behind them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now you have to get a snail or bottom feeder that will maybe come along and eat the poop. I got an aquarium and it has been a challenge to maintain, especially since my angle fish qudrupled in size in a year. Sometimes i feeling like leaving the tank lid up - free for cat paws.