Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So here's the deal...

...I was officially promoted yesterday. FINALLY.

After almost two-and-a-half years in my current position, I've definitely put in my time. And, as several people can attest to, that's probably understating things quite considerably (and I'm an over-exaggerator by nature - go figure).

To sum it up, I'll say this: over the past 29 months I've dealt with my fair share of wanting to pull my hair out because of unsatisfying work situations that I had no control over - somehow I managed to hold off. It's a wonder that I don't have a raging drinking problem or outstanding assault charges from punching people in the face at random (trust me...there were times that both sounded more than appealing), but something told me to continue to bide my time and things would eventually pay off.

Starting May 1st, I will be a Producer for the cosmetics division. In a nutshell, I'll be responsible for creating effective on-air support and presentations for our viewers. Tell me, what little girl (and in some cases, little boy) didn't dream of getting to play with makeup all day long when she (or he) grew up?! This new position will definitely challenge me in all areas, but I'm more than ready for the opportunity I've been given. And I'm going to be working with a great group of people, which will make everything that much more rewarding. Imagine: actually waking up and wanting to go to work. What a new-fangled idea!

Onto bigger and better things! And bring on the free samples!

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